About Me

  • Full Name:Harsh Patel
  • Phone:+1 902 233 7379
  • Email:harsh.patel@dal.ca
  • Resume:Download

Hello There!

I am a computer science professional and a programmer. I am highly competent and extremely passionate about coding. I have been involved in this field for more than 5 years and have gathered plenty of experience from it. I have always involved myself in variety of project works and competitions. I aim to observe and solve problems using technology. I have worked on various computer science domains but have primarily focused on software development and data analytics for about 3 years.

I am a complete music lover. I happen to be an expert tabla(Indian Purcussion instrument)player. Apart from music, I tend to enjoy playing football as well.

I am penitent about reading and writing quotes; therefore I maintain Website as well as instagram page named as "Rustic Quotes". You can check it out here.

I am a co-founder of Coding Privacy Organisation, which is about sharing knowledge and innovative codes. We also maintain a youtube channel. Here is the link.

My Resume

  • Education

  • Masters Degree

    Dalhousie University - 2019 - 2021

    Currently pursuing Masters of applied computer science.

  • Bachelors Degree

    Parul University - 2015 - 2019

    completed my Bachelors in computer science & engineering

  • My Main Works

  • Image2Sketch

    Apr 2020

    An application which converts a given image to its sketch and vice-versa using the same Cycle-Generative Adversial Network. I have worked on this with a team mate : Aman Vishnani.

  • The project is about classifying MNIST data of low dimensions. After de-noising the images, I classified them using feedforward network and compared its performance with classification on reconstructed images using convolutional network, where the images were reconstructed using autoencoder network.

  • The repository contains implementation of neural network from scratch for any number of layers. I have used the neural network to classify synthetically generated data.

  • The repository contains classification of MNIST data using K-means algorithm and evaluation of the results.

  • FeedBot

    July 2018 - Mar 19

    Worked on our final year project in undergraduate which is "Artificial Intelligence based feedback portal system". A system which interacts in a human friendly manner and takes feedbacks from an institution. This project incorporates Data Analytics , Data visualisation and NLTK. My Other team-members are Anindita Guha, Nitin Lalwani, Vatsal Mistry.

  • Python IDE


    I am working on making a Python GUI IDE for about a year. It is a paid partnership project work.

  • This Repository is based on Machine learning which detects the color of a sample photo element. Initially this detects whether the given Photo Element is Red or not. This is based on Logistic Regression Algorithm. The Final Idea is to detect every color of the given photo element. I have worked on this with a team mate : Anindita Guha.

  • RemindMe


    I have created this application in order to strengthen our vocabulary. Periodically,the application will pop up a window on the screen displaying random words with their appropriate meanings.I have added a feature of Multiple Choice Questions which will eventually be useful to brush up the knowledge.

  • Seminar presentation


    I have spoken at a seminar on Introduction to Github and its hands on session.

  • A system where students in the institution gets reminders as messages or E-mail, where the students data is to be kept updated on cloud. The application automatically fetches the data periodically and sends reminders to the selected students. I have worked on this with a team mate : Vatsal Mistry.

  • IAmHelper


    An application that helps you to search the meaning of any word or sentence and if needed, it can search the meaning instantly on internet.

  • This is Beam Radiation Calculator which finds the angle of Incidence i.e. the angle at which Sun's ray strikes at a specified place on Earth from the provided Details.

  • My Other Works

  • This program finds the rank of any website provided. It basically finds the rank from Google Search Engine.

  • Opengl tutorials

    Mar-May 2018

    This repository contains guided tutorials for Open Graphics Library i.e. OpenGL.

  • Linux panel design

    Feb-Mar 2018

    This repository contains modified panel designs for Linux Operating System.

  • A GUI application which takes a file and shows compilation stages of C Language.

  • This repository contains some client-server message passing applications using socket programming in python.

  • YoutubeBot


    A Youtube Bot that searches your query and plays the most relevant video. I have worked on this with a team mate : Vatsal Mistry.

  • NLP simple library

    April 2017

    This repository contains guided tutorials for Open Graphics Library i.e. OpenGL.

  • Apart from these,I have worked on Machine Learning, Socket programming , Web Scraping and Automation as well as Image processing.I have spent much time learning and using GUI library (Tkinter) in Python in many of the applications that I have created.

